
Browse some of the work I’ve done.


I have written all or portions of more than 40 books. Some I have written from scratch; some I have ghosted; others I have edited.

I also have significant experience in corporate writing.

On this page, you’ll find a sampling of the books that I have written or edited.


“When I assign a project to Tom, I know that I will get first-rate writing and research. He has strong instincts for story development and can take an assignment and run with it, delivering work that is both on time and on target.”

Cathy Lockman, editor, Perspectives magazine

“Tom’s outstanding writing skills are surpassed only by his listening skills. He can quickly grasp a complex issue, synthesize it, and convey it in words that are interesting and easily understood. His ability to put himself in the minds of his readers makes his writing both imaginative and meaningful.”

Loren Taylor, president & CEO, University of Illinois Alumni Association



Identity Leadership: To Lead Others You Must First Lead Yourself Move Without the Ball: Put Your Skills and Your Magic to Work for You Teens Can Make It Happen: Nine Steps for Success

By Jack Schultz - Boomtown USA: The 7-1/2 Keys to Big Success in Small Towns (2004-02-16) [Paperback] Ranch Girl: Coming of Age on the King Ranches of Brazil

Subsistence Marketplaces Bottom-Up Enterprise: Insights from Subsistence Marketplaces Voices From Subsistence Marketplaces

The Malachi Moment: Unleashing the Kingdom Gospel to Heal our Planet and its People Risking It: An Intersection of Faith & Work Cousin Camp: A Guide to Intentional Grandparenting

Running Science (Sport Science) Triathlon Science (Sport Science) Daniels' Running Formula

Coaching Cross Country Successfully (Coaching Successfully) The Sports Rules Book